Is there gender equality in our country? Although gender equality is increasing, today’s young generation still carries gender stereotypes and prejudices. There are inequalities between men and women, both in the labor market and in areas such as education, sports, pay and access to leadership positions.
Equality between women and men is one of the founding principles of the European Union.
The European Commission has placed gender equality at the top of its policy agenda and recently adopted an ambitious European Gender Equality Strategy (2020-2025).
The film shows the stereotypical perception of the role of girls and the need for women to “prove themselves” in order to be allowed into spheres traditionally considered male territory.
Milana Mandukhova, Irina Bozhikova, Anelia Dalamangova, Leandro Murtineira – “Peyo K. Yavorov” Vocational High School for Agricultural Mechanization, Gotse Delchev
Georgi Bozhikov – Neurokop Vocational High School “Dimitar Talev”, Gotse Delchev
Reflection questions:
1/ What are the main points in the European Strategy for Gender Equality (2020 – 2025)?
2/ To what extent does the national legislation reflect this Strategy in local acts and regulations?