Woman’s Pain

According to the European Convention on Human Rights, a woman has the right to freedom and security (Article 5). And, no one should be subjected to torture (Art. 3) or discrimination (Art. 14).

My photo symbolizes the pain of women who are victims of violence. The rose expresses the pain in a woman’s heart, which often remains invisible, unlike the physical, which we cannot always hide. Many women become victims of violence and in most cases they do not tell anyone. There needs to be more talk about this problem because this should not continue.

Article 29 of the Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria states “No one shall be subjected to torture, to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment, as well as to non-violent assimilation”.

Author: Vanessa V. Kozareva,  6th grade, 109 Hristo Smirenski School, Sofia

Reflection Questions:

  • Do you know what does it mean “violence against women”?
  • What are the laws in Bulgaria regarding violence against women?
  •  What  can be done and improved in terms of adequate prevention, support and protection of victims of violence?